The Best Call Center Solution for your Business Needs

Call Center Solutions for Businesses of ALL Shapes & Sizes

DialedIn (formerly ChaseData) has a call center solution for every type of business in every industry, and all different sizes of businesses. You can benefit from our technology to make your call center a profitable part of your business. Whether it’s customer service, outbound sales calling, bookings and reservations, or even debt collection, we have a customized and scalable solution just for you. Learn what DialedIn can do to make your phone room more efficient and data driven.

Cloud Contact Center Solutions

Predictive Dialing maximizes high volume outbound sales contact rates


Predictive Dialing optimize follow up calls critical to sales, enrollment and admissions success

Outbound Call Management

Outbound calling can be time consuming and time is money. Therefore, connecting agents to lucrative leads quickly and avoiding bad numbers, fluid voicemail boxes, and busy signals is essential to both profitability and efficiency. This is readily achieved by using predictive dialing, which cuts out wasted time by ensuring more intelligent connection between call leads and agents. Maximizing contact rates means successful sales and enrollment, and that’s exactly what a hosted predictive dialer does. This allows agents to get on with the most important part of their job, which is to connect with customers. While this might be a sale, an admission, an appointment, or simply a resolved complaint, the core principle is to facilitate fast, efficient agent-to-customer connection.

The support doesn’t stop there, though. DialedIn's outbound call center solutions also include time saving features, including but not limited to, single click customized disposition, which allows agents to make notes on the result of the call; call recording for playback and training purposes; and a dashboard where supervisors can manage agents directly.

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Inbound Contact Center

How you handle inbound calling can make or break a business, since starting with the first ring, you’re on someone else’s time. Managing inbound calls effectively and minimizing problems that give customers headaches such as extensive wait times, convoluted menu options, and being rerouted to several different agents can make a huge difference in your profitability. Revamping your inbound call system is simple with cloud contact center solutions. Using automatic call distribution (ACD) and interactive voice response (IVR), inbound calls are promptly re-routed using an intelligent set of parameters to connect the caller to the appropriate agent.

This is achieved by segregating callers from the moment they can be identified, beginning with a look-up of an inbound caller ID. The ACD system then segments the caller by pre-set rules, such as language, open service tickets, consumer versus B2B, or a response to an outbound call, and connects them appropriately. This connection can be to a live agent, queue, or the IVR system. After the call is resolved, further reports and intelligence can be gained to help improve the performance of call center agents. Smarter inbound call routing means elevated profits, increased customer satisfaction, and better agent performance.

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Segments callers by reverse look up of inbound caller ID

Segregates consumer vs. B2B inbound traffic.

Increase profits with a better inbound call center

Blended Contact Center

A blended call center is all about enabling your agents to communicate with leads in a streamlined way, whether calls are inbound or outbound. A problem that outbound call center agents have historically faced is when a lead responds positively and requests a call back, and depending on the system, the agent is unable to directly reconnect. That’s where cloud contact center solutions come in, allowing businesses of all sizes to use blended call center features without installing an on-site dialer.

This also means that agents can multi-task, answering inbound calls and attending to outbound predictive dialing as well. An efficient agent also equates to a happy customer who feels valued and individualized, even when you’re dealing with a list of thousands of leads. Client feedback shows that using a blended contact center means that calls are handled in less time, service levels improve, and agents place more successful calls per month.

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Improve Agent calls handled

Improve average handled time

Improve service levels

Improve number of successful calls per month

This dialer is one of the most easy going software and most efficient dialer in the industry. They meet every technology features and plus they are able to customize your dialer based on your needs.

I highly recommend DialedIn Powerstation

~ Arsim S., Senior Tech manager, First Class Vacation

Multichannel Contact Center

In the age of social media, no one relies solely on phone calls anymore. While the majority of households have phone service and some retain landlines, if someone wants to communicate with a business in the 21st century, they’re just as likely to tweet as they are to call. In fact, they might be more likely to connect via social media, because it’s easier. That’s where a multichannel contact center comes in. DialedIn's comprehensive solution package includes phone, chat, social media, email, and click-to-call features to allow contact from customer to business to be effortless and managed efficiently.

DialedIn's cloud contact center solutions are all about centralizing productive communication between customer and agent, and then pushing the interaction toward resolution by choosing the appropriate platform. Multichannel contact makes use of all possible avenues to ensure that not a single connection slips through the cracks, maximizes customer satisfaction, and inspires brand trust.

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Hosted predictive dialer Outbound Contact Center Inbound Contact Center Blended Contact Center Multichannel Contact Center

Call Center Quality Assurance

Every call with a customer is an opportunity to deliver superior service or to secure a sale. You need to ensure that agents are properly trained, coached and monitored to succeed. DialedIn arms Managers and Supervisors with the monitoring and coaching tools they need to better manage their teams.

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Reporting & Analytics

Effective management is key when it comes to productive call centers, whether it’s training, productivity tracking, employee satisfaction, or campaign metrics. Successfully balancing the human element with hard data is what draws out the best performance from agents, highlighting strengths and revealing weaknesses while taking into account that your staff is human. DialedIn's reporting and analytics feature allows you to do all of that and more, assessing each employee’s performance based on data.

This feature is also oriented toward staff training. Having the ability to monitor agents and understand where they might be going wrong, as well what they’re doing right, is indispensable knowledge when you’re refining your approach to customer service. Not only that, but it also allows managers to individually coach and tutor employees who may be underachieving, as well as noting those who are keeping their numbers up. Metrics are important, and DialedIn's model allows you to take full advantage in an accessible way.

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Track the work and productivity of every agent

Improve overall employee satisfaction

Monitor and coach your agents

View key metrics of your anpaigns in real time


Customizing workflow is all about integrating preferred third-party apps, and that’s where app integration comes in. Cloud contact center solutions by DialedIn include integration services, allowing agents to utilize apps such as Salesforce® API, Sugar® CRM, Zoho®, and Oracle®. Third party apps are a way of life not only at work, but also at home. DialedIn is constantly working to provide integration of more third party apps, but since these are the core to the current call center industry and assist with workflow management, they are supported.

These apps cooperate with DialedIn's hosted predictive dialer which is based in the cloud, allowing agents to work efficiently by utilizing the apps of their choice alongside their active leads to manage workflow and ensure results. In the current day and age, third party apps are constantly being utilized, and it’s only logical to branch out and integrate them into your contact center operations.

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Salesforce Salesforce IQ Zoho Hubspot
Dropbox Zapier Oracle Slack

and more...