Source-Based Call Routing

Send Calls to the Right Place

Source-based call routing allows for custom routing of special numbers, including VIP customers and unwanted numbers. DialedIn's CCaaS enables you to set up numbers for special handling and send the inbound call to a special queue or agent.

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What is Source-Based Call Routing?

Source-Based Call Routing is a sophisticated system that directs incoming calls based on their source or origin. This can include factors such as the caller’s phone number, geographic location, marketing campaign source, or even the specific product line they are inquiring about. By leveraging this information, our system ensures that each call is handled by the most appropriate agent or department, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

How It Works

Source Identification

Our system identifies the source of each incoming call, whether it’s the caller’s phone number, geographic location, or campaign source.

Routing Logic

Using predefined rules and intelligent algorithms, the system determines the most appropriate routing path for the call. This can be based on various factors such as agent specialization, department, or geographic location.

Real-Time Adjustment

The system continuously monitors call flows and makes real-time adjustments to ensure optimal routing and handling of each call.

Analytics and Reporting

We provide comprehensive analytics and reporting tools to help businesses understand call patterns, source effectiveness, and overall performance. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement and strategic decision-making.

Benefits of Source-Based Call Routing

Targeted Customer Service: By understanding the origin of the call, our system can direct customers to agents who are best equipped to handle their specific needs. This results in more personalized and effective customer service.

Increased Efficiency

Source-based routing reduces the need for call transfers and minimizes the time customers spend on hold. This streamlines the call handling process and boosts overall efficiency.

Enhanced Marketing ROI

By tracking the source of incoming calls, businesses can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. This allows for better allocation of resources and improved return on investment.

Geographic Optimization

Calls can be routed to agents who are geographically closer to the caller, improving the relevance and contextual understanding of the interaction.

Improved Customer Experience

By ensuring that customers are connected with the right agent from the start, we enhance the overall customer experience, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

Source-based call routine offers your call center a number of benefits:

  • Routing calls in a special manner based on number recognition
  • Defining rules for special treatment of specific callers
  • Routing unwanted numbers to a special queue or message
  • Maximizing agents' productivity by focusing on real customers

Your high-volume call center will operate more efficiently using DialedIn's source-based call routing, because it will boost your agents’ productivity.